New record of the basket star

New record of the basket star Gorgonocephalus eucnemis ‭(Ophiuroidea:‬ Gorgonocephalidae) at the Pacific coast of Mexico‬‬‬‬

Ma. Dinorah Herrero-Pérezrul, Rebeca Granja-Fernández, Mauricio Hoyos-Padilla y Héctor Reyes-Bonilla.

Marine Biodiversity Records, 2014, 7.



The basket star Gorgonocephalus eucnemis is a common ophiuroid resident of rocky bottoms and artificial substrata at depths of 8 to 1,850 m, and in the eastern Pacific is distributed from the Bering Sea to San Diego, USA. This paper presents a new record of this species obtained with a submersible at Guadalupe Island, Mexico (29.10976°N, −118.25417°W), which extends its distribution range over 400 km, and corresponds to the southernmost site of occurrence of this ophiuroid in the eastern Pacific. 


Baja California Peninsula, basket star, Guadalupe Island, submersible


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