Esteban Salazar
Ever since Esteban was young his parents taught him to respect and care about nature and animals, and when he grew up, he decided to dedicate his life to the conservation of wildlife and the environment. People take care of what they know and love, therefore, his goal in life is to inspire as many people as possible with the passion and love he feels for nature. Esteban studied Biology at the Faculty of Sciences at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM. He is currently doing a master’s degree in Management and Conservation of Natural Resources at CIBNOR in Baja California Sur. His thesis topic is "Movement patterns and environmental preferences of the silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis) in the Mexican Pacific, and the overlap with fisheries as a tool for management", which is tutored by Dr. María del Carmen Blázquez and Dr. James Ketchum. Esteban is now working at Pelagios Kakunjá as data analyst and field technician.