Carlos Robalino Mejía

Carlos Robalino Mejia is a marine biologist from the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. Carlos grew up surrounded by the sea and nature, which awakened in him a deep interest in the oceans. Inspired by this personal connection, he decided to study marine biology at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Sede Manabí. He worked as a volunteer in the Galapagos National Park, participating in marine species monitoring and conservation projects. In 2021, he came to La Paz, México to pursue the Master of Science in Marine Resources Management at Cicimar-IPN in collaboration with MIGRAMAR. In his study, he used stereo BRUVS to assess the diversity and biomass of pelagic species in the Cocos Ridge. He is interested in conservation, behavioral ecology, and population studies of pelagic species to contribute to knowledge and conservation of marine ecosystems. Carlos is currently working at Pelagios Kakunjá as data analyst and field technician.