
Alejandro Aldana


Alejandro is originally from Mexico City. Since childhood, he had a fascination and interest in the ocean and its mysteries. One day he saw a documentary on BBC called The Abyss, where scientists performed an expedition to the bottom of the sea and he was awed and amazed to watch these strange and mysterious creatures that inhabit the depths of the ocean. At that moment he realized what his dream was. He decided to study biology and later moved to La Paz to begin his master’s degree in Marine Biology, specializing in reef fish and participating in marine conservation projects in the Gulf of California and the Mexican Caribbean. He developed his PhD at CICIMAR-IPN, carrying out his research at Pelagios Kakunjá, focusing on the movements and residence of hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna lewini) in the Revillagigedo Archipelago and Espíritu Santo.

Published papers:

Residency and diel movement patterns of the endangered scalloped hammerhead Sphyrna lewini in the Revillagigedo National Park